Current economic environment brings small and medium-sized companies in front of complex challenges like limited access to new markets and pore development. Difficulties emerge from lack of efficient organization and usefulness, making companies incapable of becoming more competitive.

Giving a modern and technological outlook to businesses often means sacrificing creativity and personal input mainly in a traditional business model, but digitizing your own activity also means shielding your intellectual property. The IT industry is unable to solve the companies’ problems due to lack of knowledge of core business, but with the help from the human resource sector they can transform your business into a standardized systems and update methodologies.

Securing data

A company’s digital ID means safeguarding sensitive information and strategic data, a process often controlled by big IT players. Allowing large technologic platform entering the logic of the small business is a gamble and it can cost losing identity and important data, quickly transformed into future competitors. The digital evolution has made platforms and software inadequate for companies to use, due to rapid and complex dynamics. This is not a matter of technological obsolescence, but a swich in the management’s approach to business and updated CRMs.

In order to overcome limits, following a cybernetic approach means components interacting with each other through self-regulated relationships, allowing greater knowledge and specialization, as well as improvement of the workforce.

Human resource

Protecting human resources means, first of all creating a strategic component, where the IT process must be customized based on the company's needs. Repetitive manual processes must be automated by the IT component thus allowing the operator to save time or spend it in more complex work tasks, such as research and information processing. The right standardisation of these processes could lead to extrapolation of previously ignored data and obtain operational advantage.

This way the new cybernetic enterprise will be made up of both human and computer interacting with each other to create added value. The interactions between man and machine, governed by a system of rules, make the company vital and constantly evolving. This avoids the wearing process of massive use of technology, while creativity and intuition will not be harmed.

Working remotely

As a process initiated by large companies years ago, working online wasn’t something for small and medium-sized companies. The process cannot be simplified with a videoconference but implies telematization of intellectual activities often driven by simply working all together in the same room. The exchange of experiences and information, regulated by the system itself, makes it possible to trigger value deriving mostly from the data return. The company's intellectual assets are not wasted, because some operators keep information for himself, but is enriched as the work of the group progresses.